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Signs & Causes of Home Settling

Home settling is a natural occurrence that affects virtually every structure over time. Whether you live in a newly built or an older one, your home will inevitably undergo some degree of settling. Home settling can occur due to various factors, including the natural settling of the soil beneath the foundation, changes in temperature and humidity, and the materials used in construction. While settling is a typical and expected part of a home’s lifespan, it can lead to various signs and potential issues that homeowners should be aware of. Today, we will talk about the signs and causes of home settling, helping homeowners better understand this process and recognize when it may require attention and maintenance. Understanding the intricacies of home settling is crucial for preserving your home’s structural integrity and safety.

Common Signs of Shifting Foundation

Various factors can lead to a shifting foundation. Changes can vary from being subtle to more noticeable. As a homeowner, you must recognize the signs of a shifting foundation. Ignoring these signs can lead to severe structural problems, costly repairs, and compromised safety. The following are some common signs of a shifting foundation we are discussing by which you can detect and address these issues early to protect your most significant investment – your home. 

Leaning Chimneys 

Chimneys are a good indicator for house shifting. The chimneys are attached with wall support and mortar. A leaning chimney, characterized by a noticeable tilt or lack of vertical alignment, is a telltale sign of a shifting foundation. Using a carpenter’s level, you can confirm the extent of the lean, and a consistent deviation from vertical indicates foundation movement. If you leave it unaddressed, this issue can lead to more severe structural problems. It should be inspected and repaired by a professional foundation expert.

Cracks in Brick Walls 

The most common sign is cracking in the wall. On occasion, brick walls may crack or have a zigzag pattern. This indicates that the original structure is shifting or sinking. 

Cracks in Basement Walls 

Cracks in brick walls can serve as a key indicator of foundation shifting. It may be a sign of foundation movement if you notice horizontal or stair-step cracks running through the bricks. Additionally, wider cracks near the foundation level could signify that the foundation has shifted and exerted pressure on the brickwork. We advise you to consult a professional foundation inspector who can assess your wall cracks and then determine the extent of the problem and recommend necessary repairs.

Shifting Foundation Causes

The causes of a shifting foundation can vary. Due to natural geological forces, poor construction, or environmental factors, understanding these causes is essential for a homeowner like you seeking to protect your property’s structural integrity. Let’s learn some of the causes below-

Poor Moisture level

You will often see an excessive rate of moisture in the soil. This leads to situations where the hydraulic pressure is increased. You need to keep this in check if you don’t want to suffer from foundation problems.

Poor Soil Compaction

Commonly constructed homes lack compatibility. You need to focus on the compactness of the soul. Poor quality is not affordable. It can lead to a shift on the ground and movement over time.

Mature Tree Roots

Planting trees and shrubs too close to your house might cause foundations to shift and move. The foundation wall cracks as the roots hit it as they spread out under and around the foundation. Growing tree roots may also dry the soil during drought-like circumstances, producing soil shrinkage and movement.

Aging Homes

You may come across an unstable foundation because the slab ages over time. Hence, you will need to focus on maintenance. This is one of the key aspects of moving and shifting foundations. 

Poor Drainage

Some people choose to use flower beds to increase curb appeal. However, they don’t put any input on the protection perspective. It would help if you had plants with an adequate drainage system; focus on building a proper slope for such cases.

Leakage Problem

Many people complain about broken pipes causing water leaks. This means that they are also a common problem. Make sure you pay attention to it if you come across soil expansions. 

How Can You Fix House Shifting Foundation?

You can rely on professionals if you ever encounter a problem like a house shift. It is better to consider them because of their experience and trained facilities. 

You can seek professionals. They help you to stabilize and resolve sunken foundation problems. They drive steel piers into the load-bearing soil. After placing piers, they take the load and attach heavy-duty brackets. This way, the portion is brought back to its original level. 

Push Piers vs. Helical Piers

However, the two differ in terms of both their design and flexibility. A helical pier resembles a huge screw, as opposed to pushing piers, which are long, cylinder-shaped poles. Over a century ago, these screws were initially created for use in sandy soils. Additionally, they are employed to support and steady unsettled foundations.

Curved steel plates are welded to the steel pole’s shaft in helical piers. These piers distribute the weight of the house on the pier like a massive screw when driven through the ground during installation; helical piers aid in anchoring the building and provide it strength.

Many products are used to stabilize the foundation. You can choose them yourself. However, it is best to let the professional suggest them based on the inspection.

Do all foundations shift?

You will see that the mold around your windows is cracking a bit. The typical pattern observed is zigzag. If you see any of such things, the best thing to do is call an expert. You don’t have to worry about things. Once you put things in reliable hands, it is safe to say that everything will be up and running again soon. 

What causes the ground to shift?

Radioactive heat within the planet often causes a shift. The commonly observed pattern is for multiple interior plates to shift toward each other. 

How do you stabilize a house foundation? 

To stabilize a house foundation, address the underlying cause, which may involve repairing drainage issues, managing soil expansion and contraction, or mitigating excessive moisture. Install foundation piers or underpinnings to support the foundation’s weight and prevent further settling.


Anyone who encounters a case like a foundation shift in the house should be seriously concerned. We understand that you may be worried. However, the best way to deal with such issues is to stay calm and focus on doing things correctly. You will likely face these again if you avoid the major aspects of house-shifting problems. 

Helical piers are one of the best tools to use for foundation shifts. They cover the process efficiently and keep the shelf up best.

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