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How to Plunge a Toilet – Like a Pro

Whether dealing with a minor clog or a stubborn blockage, you need to know how to plunge a toilet like a pro.

The story of each home is the clogging of the toilet. Whether at home or anyone’s home, you may feel a backing up of water instead of going down. That case is very embarrassing and irritating. 

Do you want to know how to fix this issue?

Let’s walk you through the essential steps and expert techniques on “how to plunge a toilet” effectively.

You don’t need to worry if the clog is a dissolvable thing. It could be toilet paper or soap. So it will dissolve itself easily. At the same time, the cause of the clog is solid material like a towel. It is time when you need to unclog it. 

The best way is to use a plunger to unclog the toilet. But it doesn’t work. You can use a drill to pull out the clog. If you still can’t unclog the toilet. Then, it is time when you have to call a professional.

Let’s learn some further things you might need to take care of.

Ways to Properly Plunge a Toilet?

Using a plunger is an easy task. So anyone can use it without damaging porcelain. The following are steps to plunge a toilet:

Step 1: Drain Entire Water in Bowl

There are many reasons for toilet clogging. Maybe it is because of the water overflowing. Maybe it is because of toilet paper or soap. 

No matter what the reason behind it is. You can’t plunge the toilet if it is full of water. It may cause splashing of wastewater on the floor. You need to be near the toilet bowl to plunge into the toilet.

It is good to empty the toilet bowl of water. Always wear rubber gloves and slip-resistant shoes while plunging.

Dirty flush toilet mechanism in restroom

Step 2: Flush the Toilet

When you notice complete draining of water, it means maybe your toilet has been unclogged completely. So, you can check it by flushing the toilet if it flushes out powerfully. Then, obviously, your toilet is unclogged. In another case, you need to apply other tactics to unclog the toilet.

Step 3: Drain it again

At this step, you have to remove the water from the toilet cup. Then, you have to add soap and hot water to the bowl. This way, you can unclog the toilet completely. 

The best recipe for clogged toilets is the use of hot water, soap, and a plunger. Try to remove more water as you can. So, you can put soap and hot water near to clog.

Step 4: Add Dish Soap

Add almost half a cup of soap to the toilet bowl and let it sit for 15 minutes. The soap will start moving up near the clog. As a result, it will lubricate the clog.

In some cases, soap can dissolve clogs and allow them to move down the drain. No matter what the case is. Both of these situations are helpful.

Step 5: Another Secret Plumber Trick: Use Baking Soda and Vinegar

Another best way to unclog a toilet is to use baking soda and Vinegar. At first add a cup of baking soda to the toilet bowl. Then, add a cup of Vinegar slowly to the bowl. Both these will react and break down the clog.

Step 6: Pour Some Hot Water

Don’t wait. That soap, Vinegar, and baking soda will do magic. Go to the kitchen and boil water. Then, add boiling water to the toilet bowl.

You can add all the boiling water to the bowl at once. This way, it exerts pressure to flush out the toilet. Never add too much boiling water to the toilet bowl. It can cause cracks in the bowl. Also, add water carefully to avoid any splash.

In some cases, soap and hot water are enough to unclog the toilet. Sometimes, you need to use a plunger to push the clogs.

Step 7: Plunge the Toilet

Keep the plunger in the toilet bowl and use it to create a soil seal over the hole. Some people only focus on pushing the clog down when plunging. But it is good to pull up the clog to remove it. 

It will be helpful if you plunge up and down the clog and flush the toilet. Suppose you see clear water running out of the toilet bowl. It means you have unclogged the toilet. Suppose you notice an overflowing of water. It is good to close the flapper to avoid water entry into the bowl. Repeat this process until you unclog the toilet.

When to Call the Plumber?

Though, you can fix small issues yourself. But some plumbing issues are large, and you need to call a plumber. When you see water coming up in the sink when you flush, it is the right time to call a plumber. The reason for the backing up of water is the clogged main line. So, you can’t fix this issue using a plunger.

Is there any trick to using a plunger?

Yes, the use of a plunger is tricky. You need to keep the water level half of the brim. It must cover the cup of the plunger. If you feel the water level is low. Then, you need to add more water to the toilet cup. The right amount of water in the cup can make plunging easy and effective.

What should you not do when you plunge into a toilet?

Though it takes much time to complete the dissolving process, the reaction sits there and produces more heat. It can cause damage to pipes and toilets by breaking the porcelain.

Can a plunger make it worse?

Yes, sometimes. Suppose you try to push the clog from the toilet using a plunger. Then maybe it causes a worse problem. So, you need to create a seal and push the plunger slowly. Then, pull it back sharply. Through this suction, you can pull the clog toward the toilet cup. As a result, it can break the blockage.


Though plunging the toilet is necessary, you always need to choose the right plunger. Always use a flange plunger instead of a flat plunger. Besides, you should all add enough water to the toilet bowl before plunging. Never fill the bowl with water. Otherwise, this process becomes worse. 

A plunger creates pressure and vacuum above the clog when you move the plunger up and down. When you plunge down, it exerts pressure to drop the clog. When you plunge up, it allows the vacuum to suck up the clog.

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