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Home Solutions To Unclog Toilet

Home Solutions To Unclog Toilet

A clogged toilet can quickly become a stressful situation, disrupting the flow of your daily routine. Fortunately, you can try several effective home solutions before resorting to professional help. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical and accessible methods to unclog a toilet using items you likely already have at home. With a little patience and these simple techniques, you can restore proper function to your toilet without breaking the bank.

Home Solutions To Unclog Toilet Area:


Using Plunger

A plunger is the go-to tool for unclogging a toilet and should be your first line of defense. Ensure you have a sturdy, well-designed plunger with a rubber cup that forms a tight seal around the drain opening. 

Position the plunger over the drain, ensuring it covers the hole completely, and apply firm but controlled pressure. Push down and pull up quickly, forcefully, to create suction and dislodge the clog. Repeat this process several times until the water begins to drain properly.

Ultimately, you will break the air seal by pulling the tool up. You will see that the water is flowing down the drain. Repeat the steps if the first did not succeed. 

Read more : How to Plunge a Toilet


Using Baking Soda and Vinegar

The combination of baking soda and vinegar can work wonders in unclogging a toilet. Start by pouring about one cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl. Allow it to sit for a few minutes, ensuring it reaches the drain. 

Next, pour two cups of vinegar into the bowl, followed by hot water. The reaction between the baking soda and vinegar, coupled with the hot water, can help break down the clog and clear the passage. Allow the mixture to sit for at least 30 minutes, and then flush the toilet to check for improved drainage.


Using Dish Soap and Hot Water

Hot water combined with dish soap can be an effective solution if you’re dealing with a minor clog. Begin by heating a pot of water to near boiling but not boiling point. Squirt a generous amount of liquid dish soap into the toilet bowl, ensuring it covers the drain area. 

Slowly pour the hot water into the bowl from waist height. Combining heat and soap can help dissolve the clog and facilitate smoother flushing. Allow the mixture to work for a few minutes before attempting to flush. 


Wire Hanger

A wire hanger can be a valuable tool for dislodging a stubborn clog. Straighten out the hanger and create a small hook at one end. Insert the hooked end into the toilet drain and carefully manoeuvre it to break up or grab hold of the obstruction. 

Be gentle and avoid excessive force; you don’t want to scratch or damage the porcelain. Once the clog has loosened, flush the toilet to see if the water drains properly.


Epsom Salt and Detergent

For toilets with persistent clogs, a mixture of Epsom salt and detergent may do the trick. Combine one cup of Epsom salt and a quarter cup of liquid dish detergent in a bowl. Stir the mixture until it forms a paste-like consistency. 

Carefully apply the mixture to the toilet bowl, ensuring it covers the drain area. Allow it to sit for a few hours or overnight. Combining Epsom salt and detergent can help break down the clog, making it easier to flush away.


Enzyme-Based Cleaners

Enzyme-based cleaners are designed to break down organic matter, making them suitable for toilet clogs caused by organic materials. Follow the cleaner’s packaging instructions, as different products may have varying application methods. 

Typically, you’ll need to pour the recommended amount of cleaner into the toilet bowl and let it sit for the specified time. These cleaners work by breaking down the clog over time, so it’s essential to be patient and allow them to do their job.


Try to Use Double Flush Every time

When you flush your toilet, a buildup of tissue paper in the bowl might occasionally cause a clog. This problem can worsen further. You might discover you can’t unclog a toilet when poop and toilet paper mix in the bowl.

You’ll need a lot of water to flush them efficiently down the toilet drain. Water may overflow towards the top of the toilet bowl since the procedure is rarely smooth.

The best action would be to think about flushing your toilet in stages. For instance, before inserting the tissue paper, wash the poop first. By doing this, you can avoid using old-fashioned methods to unclog the toilet. 


Trace the Tree Roots Growth 

Sometimes, tree roots get stuck in the sewer pipelines. They cause the toilet to be clogged. This disrupts the overall operation of sewer pipelines. It is challenging to fix the clogs of such a nature.

Hydro Jetting is an effective method for clearing toilet clogs caused by tree roots in sewer pipes. When tree roots infiltrate sewer lines, they can cause significant blockages that impede proper wastewater flow and lead to toilet clogs. Hydro jetting utilizes high-pressure water to clear out these obstructions. Using specialized equipment, a professional plumber can insert a hydro jetting nozzle into the sewer pipe and release a powerful stream of water. The high-pressure water effectively cuts through the tree roots, dislodging them from the pipe walls and flushing them away. 


Home Solutions To Unclog Toilet


Hydro Jetting clears the immediate clog and helps prevent future tree root intrusion by thoroughly cleaning the sewer pipe. It is a reliable and efficient solution that can restore the functionality of your toilet and ensure smooth wastewater flow.

Repiping, although not a direct solution for unclogging a toilet, can indirectly help address toilet clogs by resolving underlying plumbing issues. In some cases, repeated toilet clogs may be indicative of larger problems within the plumbing system, such as deteriorating or corroded pipes.


Dealing with a clogged toilet can be a frustrating experience, but there’s no need to panic. With these home solutions, you can often unclog your toilet and restore its proper function without professional help. 

Use a plunger, try the baking soda and vinegar method, utilize hot water and dish soap, employ a wire hanger, consider Epsom salt and detergent, or opt for enzyme-based cleaners. With patience and perseverance, you’ll have your toilet back up and running smoothly in no time, saving you both time and money.



Can baking soda unclog a toilet?

Yes, you can. For minor clogs, baking soda is helpful. Pour all the baking soda into the toilet bowl. Afterward, add vinegar to it carefully. Always ensure you are using equal quantities of baking soda and vinegar. 


Why is my toilet still clogged even after I use the plunger?

Although a plunger initially works, you might require an auger the following time. Consider calling a plumber if the obstruction remains. A plumber will have the necessary equipment to solve the issue.


Can Coca-Cola unclog a toilet?

Coca-Cola is a popular household item rumoured to have unclogging properties for toilets. While there are anecdotal claims of Coca-Cola’s effectiveness, it is essential to note that it is not a scientifically proven or recommended method for unclogging toilets. 

The carbonation and acidity in Coca-Cola may have some mild cleaning properties, but they are unlikely to provide a significant impact on stubborn clogs. It is always best to rely on tried-and-true methods such as using a plunger, employing a plumbing snake, or utilizing professional plumbing services when dealing with a toilet clog. While Coca-Cola may be a refreshing beverage, it is not a reliable solution for unclogging toilets.

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